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Do you suffer from...

  • Limiting beliefs that keep you struggling for money

  • Negative self talk that keeps you feeling like a failure or not enough

  • Feelings of frustration, anger, stress, or anxiety that take you out of having a good day

Do you notice...

  • Repeating undesirable patterns of behavior in your job, with your partner, or family.

  • Feeling like something is blocking you but don’t know what it is or how to release it

  • A common part of the human experience is feeling limitations. It’s time to release yourself!

Learn how to awaken a powerful inner technology called your neural network.

Neurons are the nerve cells in the brain that send and receive electrical currents in order to help us retrieve memories and carry out actions or responses. The right number and connection of neurons, support you in creating a successful and fulfilling life.

Each neural connection is a program for action. Until you break it, you will keep creating the same thing over and over.  This is why you get stuck in limiting thoughts or behavior for so long.

Through drawing specifically designed algorithms called Neurographics, you can free yourself from limitations and start living the life you deserve.

A Connection Connection Neurographics

  • It is the perfect tool to use on your own, or between sessions with a coach or therapist.

  • It is accessible and easy for anyone from teens to seniors.

  • No drawing experience necessary.

In A Conscious Connection Neurographics

You’ll receive step by step instruction to do the transformational drawing algorithm, but also get coached through doing the inner work that’s happening as you draw and color. We are personal transformation experts and this is one of our favorite tools. As you create beautiful art, you are actually reprograming your neural network to support the life of your dreams.

  • Our clients have increased their financial success

  • Moved ahead with stalled projects

  • Found lost items

  • Released frustrations and healed grief

  • Discovered numerous insights about their purpose, health, and relationships

“I was surprised at how much emotion and insight came from drawing. I can't wait to do another one!”


“This was so cool! Halfway through the drawing I new how to fix a project I had been stuck on for years!”


“I got paid by someone the next day. I had been waiting on that money for months!”


“This was so fun and helpful. It's like the negative thought I had the day before has just vanished. I can't wait to take the next class!”


Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Course

    1. How Neurographics Works

    2. Basics of Drawing a Neuroline

    3. Materials Preparation for Drawing

    1. How to draw the Limitation Release Algorithm

    1. 50 Common Limiting Beliefs

    1. Next Steps on Your Neurographic Journey to Freedom

About this course

  • Free
  • 7 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Bonuses Included

Other programs charge premium $$$ for community & support access. We're including them with your course!

  • 1 Month Private Member Portal Access

    $19 value

    Ask questions and connect with other neurographic artists in the private member portal community. You can share drawings, talk about your experiences, and support each other through your drawing journey.

  • Mobile App Access


    Get ease of access to all our courses through the mobile app. Learn on the go. Don't miss community chat postings from the instructor or other members.

Transformational Coach, Intuitive Guide, Art Therapy Facilitator

"I was a little skeptical this method would work when I first discovered it. But I love to draw and color, so I joined my first class thinking, at the very least, I'll have fun. Within a month of drawing things started to shift. I tripled my monthly book sales, new ideas & collaborators showed up, and I had more energy and optimism about the future. I was hooked! I just had to start sharing this powerful drawing method with my clients."

Robin Harris

Robin has decades of experience supporting others to find healing, awaken to their truth, expand their awareness, and step into purpose. She not only has a passion for teaching neurographics but uses these powerful drawing techniques to radically expand her own experience in life. Robin is the founder of A Conscious Connection. She is an experienced leader, facilitator, mentor, coach, channel, and intuitive guide with decades of study in psychology, shamanism, energy medicine, quantum science, and other ancient healing arts. The techniques she uses in her programs, courses and events stem from this vast knowledge and personal experience in uncovering her own soul truth and opening to gifts she is called to share with others.

From Stuck to Unstoppable.

Start today!


  • Do I need to be artistic or able to draw in order to get results?

    No. The focus is on the process and personal transformation, not whether you create a beautiful masterpiece. Neurographics is accessible for people of all levels of artistic ability.

  • How quickly will I see results?

    It depends on the topic you are drawing on and your level of readiness for transformation. Some people can see shifts after one drawing. Other people may need to do several drawings and algorithms before seeing changes. Once you have created enough neural connections, you will start to see results.

  • I don't believe a simple drawing can make a difference.

    Well that is a limited belief you can even use Neurograhics to shift! My instructor has worked with hundreds of thousands of people who have achieved amazing results using this method. I personally felt shifts happening with my very first drawing and those I have shared this method with were also surprised at how effectively it can open up the subconscious and tap into feelings and somatic responses. Give it a try and see for yourself.

  • What if I have questions?

    You can post your questions in the private community portal on the member site.

  • What materials do I need for the class?

    You will need a couple sheets of white 8.5″x11″ paper or a drawing book. I like using a black gel ink fine point pen and also have a medium point black marker on hand for making thicker lines. You will also want to have some colored pencils, crayons, highlighters or markers. (your choice) I tend to switch it up depending on my drawing or feeling for the day. Sometimes I want the boldness of markers and other times pencil crayon shades seem more appropriate.

  • Is there an age limit for the class?

    Neurographics is great for any ages – teens to seniors. I would recommend that children draw under the supervision of an adult as the process can open up thoughts and feelings they may need support handling.